
G.I.Joe ‘Sub Zero’ By Mitchell Smith!

Welcome to the Outpost. Today I’m talking about a G.I.Joe figure I did not have as a kid but he is one of my favorite cold weather characters, ‘Sub-Zero‘. Sub-Zero came out in 1990 just on the tail end of my Joe days as a kid. When I started collecting, Sub-Zero was a figure I bought off eBay complete. I like the uniform he has and there is a good number of weapons and accessories that comes with this figure. Surprisingly there is only 1 other version a dark blue one from 1993.

I did see a few custom figures back when people were cranking out some of their favorite characters that were not being produced at the time. Even though this is a popular character and appeared in the cartoon there was never a modern version of him that I know of. Maybe there was some copy-write conflict with the Mortal Kombat character. This would make a cool modern character but I’m sure this one will be on the back burner. Is Sub-Zero one of your favorite G.I.Joe arctic figures? Sound off AFTER THE JUMP and let us know! Make sure to check back for our next discussion.


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